Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fox News predicts McCain will win by a Landslide

Okay maybe that isn't exactly true, in fact I have no clue because I'm not going to pay for very biased news and views. I watch CNN, with no complaint of bias that I'm aware of.

But, his picking of Gov. Palin was a risky political gamble which has proven to be a detriment generally, other than energizing the Republican base. Whoopee!! I can only laugh when conservative diehards state with what appears to be sincere conviction that she is able and qualified to serve as President and Commander in Chief in the very improbable event that Johh McCain wins the election and then sometime early in his term suffered a stroke which would render him incapable of properly functioning.

Let's go back in time 4 weeks for a hypothetical situation where Sen. McCain suffers the debilitating stroke which renders him incapable of campaigning thus nuking his being the head of the Republic Ticket. So what happens... would Gov. Palin become the head of the ticket and a scamble effort begun to fill the now vacant VP slot?

Or is there some criteria, rules or whatever that is mandated by the RNC or the Republican Party should such a situation occur, that dictates that someone else be selected by whatever process to replace McCain and Palin remains as the VP candidate.

As I see it, the conumdrum is, if Palin does not become the head of the ticket in this hypothetical; 4 weeks prior to the election, then logically how can anyone state that she is ready, able and qualified to sit in the big chair in the event that something unfortunate happed to McCain after being inaugerated, given that some even more unfortunate happed earlier... he won the election.

Don't get me wrong, I respect John McCain as a person and how he served his country as Pilot in Good Rank when within the Navy, but he is not what the USA needs right now. Recent polls and tactics by his campaign have clearly illuminated his and the campaign's desperation and frustration.

I hope he and his staff spend quality time and thought on the speech he will give to his party and supporters, it could and most likely will redeem a lot of what was not very tactful and outright bullshit during the the last 2 months of the campaign. A man who has served with honour in the past can do so in the future, it just won't be as President.

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